First National Bank of Omaha, the nation’s largest privately-owned bank holding company, has listened to it’s customers and decided to stop issuing their NRA branded Visa card.
“Customer feedback has caused us to review our relationship with the NRA. As a result, First National Bank of Omaha will not renew its contract with the National Rifle Association to issue the NRA Visa Card,” spokesperson Kevin Langin said in a statement.
During the ongoing debate of guns and gun safety, some customers threatened to move their accounts to different banks because of the partnership First Bank of Omaha had with the National Rifle Association.
Visa pointed out that it had no partnership with the NRA, and it was up to financial institutions to decide which organizations they want to partner with for Visa cards.
FNBO’s decision came in the aftermath of the Parkland school shooting where 17 people were killed. Many of the shooting survivors have spoken out in favor of stricter gun laws.
Anti-gun activists are pressuring other companies to cut ties with the NRA also.
Lists of companies that partner with the NRA to offer discounts to their members have been circulating on social media. The anti-gun community is asking why these companies have not cut ties with the organization, some are even suggesting boycotts to try to convince companies to dump the NRA.
Some social media users are threatening to stop using Amazon or cancel their prime membership if the corporation does not stop carrying NRATV on its streaming service. NRATV is a channel directed toward pro-gun conservatives.